Friday, August 17, 2018

The Gift of Free Will

Most of us believe or somehow has the thought that a “God” exists, And I personally believe that there is really a God that exist. This world, everything, starting from the smallest things up to the biggest ones wouldn’t be made meticulously by any chance without the touch of a creator. One of the greatest gifts the God gave us was free will—freedom to choose what actions we will do. He gave us the right to choose what we want to be, and what we want to do.
Because of our free will and the freedom to choose our decisions, we tend to be selfish, and abusive that leads to evil decisions. Free will is the product of freedom. It is actually our natural mindset, to think for ourselves first before anyone, and so we do things that we think that is good for us. Greed runs in our veins, and that is why we suffer consequences when we do evil things. People often question god’s existence because of evil, they ask “if god exist why is he allowing this to happen, why am I suffering?” For me, He allows this to happen so that we can able to see his goodness more. We learn and realize things as these happens to us. Good and evil are interdependent to each other, there will be no evil if there is no good. Complete goodness can only be acquired if there is no free will, it is like you’re only going to do what is being told to you.
Generally speaking, Evil exists because of us, because of our selfish desires. And we must realize and be thankful that God gave us the right to choose what we want to do and not be forced to be someone who we don’t want to be, even though he created us. He granted us sonship and not ownership. God and evil co-exist but we humans are the reason why evil lingers in this once beautiful and divine world.

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